The Association that Promotes the Interest of the BABYDOLL SOUTHDOWN SHEEP

The Miniature Southdown Smiling Sheep
BSSBA is run by a board of dedicated breeders to educate members on maintaining the standards of the original Babydoll Southdown Breed.
Contact BSSBA
Associated Registry
420A Lincoln Street/PO BOX 231
Wamego, Kansas 66547

BSSBA was started in 2018 and has grown into a thriving Babydoll Sheep Association and Registry due to its continued support from its members. BSSBA's goal is to educate our breeders on topics such as health management, breed standards, breeding of mating pairs, building your flock for success, and Ram management, Webex Sessions and much more.

If you have purchased a sheep from a BSSBA member all you need to do is the following -
The transfer section is on the reverse side of the original registration certificate. In that section you will see where the seller will be completing the information pertaining to each induvial buyer and will need to sign this form before the registrar will accept it and transfer and put the new transferred certificate in the new owner's name.
The new owner MUST be a current member of BSSBA in order to transfer the said animal into their name.
All fees must accompany the work order and the original registration (please make a copy for your records) in order for processing,
If you are transferring sheep into BSSBA from the Old English Registry you will need to provide a copy of the original registration along with a head shot of that individual animal with the ear tag clearly shown and sent into the registrar for a photo approval.
If you are transferring from NABSSAR you will need to send in a copy of the original registration along with a full body photo with measurements of any adult RAM or Ewe. Lambs being transferred will need a copy of their registration along with a head shot with the ear tag clearly shown sent into the registrar for a photo approval.

If you are already a member of BSSBA or just starting out as a member your registrations are easy to do.
You will need to make certain that all of your sheep are ear tagged with your Premise ID/ Scrapie tag number.
Complete your Registration Application as well as the Work Order form. We will need a headshot of each induvial animal that clearly shows the ear tag and sent in to the registrar for photo approvlas.
The correct way to measure your sheep for photo approvals

The correct way to take a photo of your sheep faces with ear tag showing for photo approvals